Alaska lawmakers from fishing-dependent communities say they have ideas for ways to rescue the state’s beleaguered seafood ...
Dedicated stakeholders to the decades-long, statewide debate over the merits of hatchery salmon production are preparing to ...
Tom Stieghorst writes: "Bears are typically the hardest to spot among Alaska's many wild inhabitants. So when I heard a ...
Proposal 156, submitted to the board by former commercial fisher and former Alaska State Board of Fisheries member Virgil ...
The surprisingly interesting history of Alaska’s limited entry permitting system is the subject of a new exhibition that opens 5 to 7 p.m. today at the Kodiak History Museum.
Biologists blamed the rapid decline of snow crab on a 2018 climate-fueled heatwave. Some fishermen are still reeling as they ...
Two unique proposals to the Board of Fisheries seek to establish a region-wide commercial jig fishery for magister squid.
Howard Salmon, a long haul trucker in his mid-60s, recently traded the highways for the high seas, working as a deckhand on a ...
US seafood chain Red Lobster -- at the time owned by Thai Union Group -- filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with ...
But ultimately the numbers speak for themselves and the following are the 10 most-read news stories at ...
The origins of the Fairy King in old Celtic lore. Stories of fairies are prominent in Irish folklore, and the belief in a fairy hierarchy, or fairy royalty, has been a popular notion for centuries.