The belief that stroke only happens among older adults may not be true anymore. While older people are more likely to suffer ...
Index's helpful free weekly guide to local events, programs and more in Petersburg, Hopewell and Colonial Heights.
New research suggests that 15 million Americans have an elevated risk of heart failure. Here's what may put you at risk, and ...
The problem with Richard Schoch’s “How Sondheim Can Change Your Life” is its title. Other than that, it is a valuable ...
AHA shares feedback in response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ information collection request (ICR) regarding the Medicare Transaction Facilitator (MTF) and the Medicare drug ...
For the first time in a decade, the American Heart Association (AHA) is updating its guidance to help people from ever having a stroke. Simply put, the AHA says, “preventing a first stroke ...
Damar Hamlin's inspiring story added another chapter this week with a new law to improve access to resources for heart health ...
PRNewswire/ -- iHuman Inc. (NYSE: IH) ("iHuman" or the "Company"), a leading provider of tech-powered, intellectual development products ...
Digital checkouts from the Norwalk Public Library system have been up since the pandemic, the executive director said. What ...
Little was known about the manuscript, which donated by Edward Ayer, a tycoon who made his fortune supplying railroad ties.
With help from an Autism Welcome Here grant, Evergreen Park library establishes a club where adults with disabilities can ...
In Avondale, the public library often functions as a school. And a restaurant. And a safe space. For one resident, it’s the reason he's been sober for more than two years.