It would take a Sherlock Holmes to find any good economic news at the moment (the UK is mired in high debt, low growth and ...
How do you make a run-of-the-mill retailer look good? Give it some great advertising that doesn't overclaim, but still ...
Sir Martin Sorrell's big bet on tech companies driving growth at his S4 Capital (Monks is its main agency) has taken another ...
Companies use various tools to stay competitive in their industry. From creating innovative products and ways to do things to ...
Price fixing in media is an issue that won't go away - likely to be still more of one as the big holding companies increase ...
US consumers seem to be reining in spending as they wake up to the Trump dawn, bad news for European companies also facing a ...
Unilever has become an oddly lively giant recently, ditching the CEO (despite reasonable results) and currently embroiled in ...
Everybody loves an award - obviously - and no-one more than WPP. And, once again, the holding company's GroupM has won WARC's ...
The other day we mentioned the diaspora from adam&eveDDB, at least four new agencies at last count, and now two of the ...
Former adam&eve joint CEO Tammy Einav is teaming up again with James Murphy and David Golding, but this time at Ogilvy which ...
Who hasn’t moaned about the ubiquitous “See it. Say it. Sorted.” line that blares out on repeat every time you take a train ...
KFC's latest 'Cult' is a notable new entry to a campaign that's trying (and very likely succeeding) in turning a boring old ...