Adelheid Sommer is a physicist is head of the school lab at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Zeuthen, which she also established. She serves as co-spokesperson for the network of school ...
The Swedish experimental physicist Thomas Nilsson took up the position of the Scientific Managing Director at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH and the Facility for Antiproton and ...
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Our goal is ambitious: We want to defeat widespread diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer and diabetes. To this end, our health researchers are developing state-of-the-art diagnostics, innovative ...
Deepfakes are images, videos, texts, or audio files that look deceptively real, but are in reality fake. They may already threaten our democracy in the near future. Our goal: to make sure people can ...
From road travel to space exploration; we are researching autonomous buses, zero-emission flights, and robots that explore distant planets. We want to open up new avenues in transport that are climate ...
Wind and sun, hydrogen and geothermal: The future of energy is diverse. Accordingly, we are developing the technologies to ensure that sustainable energy becomes affordable. Which solar cells produce ...
From the seabed to the edge of craters, and from fields to icebergs; we want to understand the Earth so that we can better predict natural disasters and protect against threats such as the impact of ...
Adelheid Sommer ist Physikerin und leitet am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in Zeuthen das Schülerlabor, das sie auch ...
Die Präsidenten von Helmholtz und der Chinese Academy of Sciences haben ein Memorandum of Understanding unterzeichnet. Ziel ist es, durch klare Regeln und Transparenz das gegenseitige Vertrauen in der ...
The presidents of Helmholtz and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The goal is to promote mutual trust in scientific cooperation through clear rules and ...