The rise of fascism within the United States under Donald Trump is a grave danger, not only to Americans but to all who hold democratic values dear.” The Green Party recognizes the current US ...
The Green Party of Canada is proud to announce that Co-Leader Jonathan Pedneault will represent the Party at the federal leaders’ debates in both English and French during the upcoming election.
The Green Party remains open to working with the NDP, Liberals, and Bloc Québécois—any leader willing to prioritize electoral reform—to consider how we might cooperate, even if only for one election ...
“Donald Trump’s tariffs are a direct attack on Canada,” said Jonathan Pedneault, Co-Leader of the Green Party of Canada. “They are intended to undermine our economy, create insecurity, and are a ...
FREDERICTON – The Green Party of Canada is proud to announce Pam Allen-LeBlanc as its candidate for Fredericton–Oromocto in the upcoming federal election. With extensive experience in civil service, ...
Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Green Party of Canada. Across the nation, they work tirelessly in their communities, engaging the grassroots and building strong local organizations. We need your ...
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The Green Party of Canada is the only party which you know at face value what it stands for, the planet we live on. Did you know the Party also stands for equality of persons, taxing corporations, and ...
My name is Karen Fraser. During my many years as a stay-at-home mother, my main focus was my children with a small amount of part-time employment and volunteerism. As my children grew and flew from ...