The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping has introduced new rules concerning equipment for monitoring the condition of containers during transportation. The rules were developed jointly with the ...
Электрические сети на судне выполняют функции по передаче и распределению электроэнергии. Они включают в себя линии электропередач и ...
On September 1, 2024, amendments to the Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation will come into force. Definitions of fully autonomous ships and semi-autonomous ships are introduced, and ...
MSF1425B - magnetron is an X-band, which is designed to operate in the frequency range of 9380 - 9440 MHz. Maximum power output is 10.5 kW. Suitable for installation in the radar Bridgemaster series.
Koden MDS-50R / 51R is a compact radar that can be used on small non-supervised courts. Feature of these models is to show that the information received, as well as to control the radar Koden MDS-50R ...
Magnetrons 4th series are compact, which does not affect performance. Magnetrons Gen4 MG40xx X-Band available in 4, 6 and 12.5kW and fully comply with the new requirements of the IMO false frequencies ...
The Mega-Guard Econometer System (ES) measures and displays the actual fuel consumption with the actual power delivered. In addition, the fuel consumption is totalized and available to be loaded on ...
VPA-240 - is a power amplifier in a 19 inch cabinet for up to 240 watts. Rack-mountable. It has outputs at 100 V and 8 ohm, and two switch inputs with priority. The amplifier is protected against ...
JRC 7ZBJD0006E - rechargeable rechargeable battery 24V 5Ah for black boxes JRC JCY-1700, JCY-1800 VDR / S-VDR, JCY1850.
Гранит АП-1 – представляет собой проволочную антенну хлыстового исполнения. Предназначена для подключения к носимым радиостанциям серии ...
JMA-9122-9XA 25 kW X-band (9410 ± 30 MHz) 9 ft 24 rt/m JMA-9122-6XAH 25 kW X-band (9410 ± 30 MHz) 6 ft 48 rt/m JMA-9123-7XA 25 kW X-band (9410 ± 30 MHz) 7 ft 24 rt/m JMA-9123-9XA 25 kW X-band (9410 ± ...
WINDMASTER – метеорологический комплекс, который измеряет направление и скорость ветра ...