The herbarium of William & Mary (WILLI) was formally organized in 1968, and has since grown to over 81,500 accessioned specimens representing most of our regional vascular plant species. About one ...
The herbarium contains over 3,000 specimens collected by George Clifford (1685-1760), a wealthy Anglo-Dutch merchant. The Herbarium includes plants that were newly cultivated in Europe at the time of ...
The Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU) is a broad collection, both taxonomically and geographically. Holdings include specimens of vascular plants, mosses, fungi, and algae, along with our special ...
The herbarium regularly hosts research visits ... The first word is the genus, and the second word is the species. We, for example, are Homo sapiens − meaning wise man. Linnaeus ...
The relevance of the herbarium extends beyond the field of botany. For example, Andrew Griebeler, assistant professor of art, art history and visual studies, utilizes the herbarium’s resources ...
Matthew Austin, curator of biodiversity data at the Missouri Botanical Garden, looks at a Dogwood tree sample in the herbarium. Specimens in herbaria across the world show when plants were ...
These specimens also have their names inscribed on ornate labels. These features are peculiar to Dutch herbarium collections of the 1730s. Another example is Adriaan van Royen's herbarium, held at the ...
We, for example, are Homo sapiens − meaning wise ... campus of Rutgers University is home to the Rutgers Chrysler Herbarium (CHRB), the last internationally-recognized herbarium in New Jersey.