Domenic Biagini, owner of Gone Whale Watching San Diego ... does not mean that they will not resurface off San Diego or elsewhere in Southern California in the coming days.
occasionally venture into Southern California waters to hunt dolphins and other marine mammals. Gone Whale Watching San Diego encountered the ETPs last Wednesday and observed the mammals until ...
(Davey’s Locker Whale Watching) Shortfin makos (Isurus oxyrinchus) are commonly found in California’s coastal waters but rarely seen on whale-watching cruises. Experts say they typically live ...
An orca with a rare, milky complexion — named "Frosty" by the whale watching community — was recently spotted with its ...
A pod of dolphins was spotted catching some serious air last week off the coast of San Diego, with footage of ... filmed by Erica Sackrison of Gone Whale Watching. "You could just see them jumping ...
If you've ever been whale watching, of course you hope to see whales but probably had just as much fun watching the dolphins that cruise along next to the boat. Whale watchers in San Diego were in ...
A photograph by a whale-watching naturalist captured a seemingly bewildered seal in the mouth of a humpback whale after the giant marine mammal accidentally gulped it last Thursday in the waters ...
If you've ever been whale watching, of course you hope to see whales but probably had just as much fun watching the dolphins that cruise along next to the boat. Whale watchers in San Diego were in ...
The accompanying footage, captured by Domenic Biagini of Gone Whale Watching San Diego, shows a tethered ... occasionally venture into Southern California waters to hunt dolphins and other marine ...