Veterans are planning on marching on Washington DC and all 50 state capitals this weekend to protest the Trump Administration.
How well do you really know the U.S. Constitution? Discover things you might not have realized about this influential ...
After a decades-long fight, Biden signed the 28th amendment into law before leaving office. Under Trump, advocates say that ...
A national movement is calling for a convention to limit federal powers, but they need more states to sign up.
Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) on Thursday introduced a resolution reaffirming the House’s support for the 22nd Amendment, which ...
On March 10, 1920, the West Virginia legislature ratified the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution to guarantee women the right to vote. West Virginia was ...
A proposed constitutional amendment giving state lawmakers sole discretion over legalizing marijuana is heading to the state ...
There were multiple twists and turns in the process of debating whether to approve a resolution condemning hate crimes in ...
Letter: Only radical ideologues and corrupt despots find fault with the AP’s devotion to objectivity in its role as a ...
This article discusses homeless, specifically that facing New York City residents, and "aggressive government interventions ...
Here are key dates and deadlines to register and vote in Louisiana's March 29 election to change the Constitution.