There can be many causes of back pain including accidents, strains, and injuries. Two types of back injury are spondylolisthesis and cervical radiculopathy. Both have their own set of symptoms ...
Workers’ compensation provides coverage for several categories of injuries and conditions related to employment. It is essential to understand the specific types of injuries included ...
Some injuries are immediate, while others develop over time as a result of repeated exposure. There are two main types of inhalation injuries: thermal and chemical. Inhaling hot gases or smoke can ...
Conclusions: There is a higher rate of injury in tae kwon do than Shotokan karate. Different martial arts have significantly different types and distribution of injuries. Martial arts appear to be ...
We treat patients whose injury or pain is less than six weeks old. We treat these types of injuries: We do not treat concussions, lacerations (cuts), chronic medical conditions, worker's compensation, ...