The solar system drifts inside an immense, low-density cavity known as the Local Hot Bubble (LHB). This region, spanning at ...
Deep below the thick ice of Greenland lies a labyrinth of tunnels that were once thought to be the safest place on Earth in case of a war. First created during the Cold War, Project Iceworm saw ...
under a crushing hail of earth. It was about 9 p.m., and the brothers were on a night shift doing maintenance on the tunnel, which, like many of its kind—and there are hundreds stretching ...
Imagine a heavy book resting on a table. If you try to gently push the book across the table with the tip of your finger, it ...
Deep in the Amazon rainforest lies the Carajás Mine, a colossal iron ore reserve spanning 412,000 acres, likened to Earth's beating heart of iron. Larger than most cities, the Carajás Mine ...