According to an old legend, the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified was set at the center of the world. And so it was—historically and spiritually. The Cross is the center of the divine ...
This path he walked while being beaten and insulted is known as the passion ... to find the cross of Christ, so she was taken to Mount Golgotha, where Jesus was supposed to be crucified, and ...
The Stations, from the Prætorium to Golgotha and the tomb, trace the passion and death of Christ, who by his holy cross has redeemed ... even at the moment of the Crucifixion.
On Good Friday, the entire Church fixes her gaze on the Cross at Calvary ... the 'Pasch (passage) of the Crucifixion.' The liturgical observance of this day of Christ's suffering, crucifixion ...
Known as the "place of the skull," Golgotha is said to be the site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Purportedly located just ...
In the powerful movie, The Passion of the Christ, chronicling the end of ... the carrying of the cross, and His crucifixion and death. Key moments in Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to the ...
She was crucified just like Jesus and is often portrayed ... The complex of 33 chapels, following the Way of the Passion of Christ (an expanded Way of the Cross) and the Paths of the Mother of God, ...