Donation calculator: Unlike competitors, there’s no tool to help you calculate the deduction value of items you donate to charity. Platform mobility: TaxSlayer allows you to work on your return ...
Note that there are usually limits to how much you can defer pre-tax, but this calculator has no limits built in. Some employer-sponsored health insurance plans allow you to pay insurance premiums ...
Donation calculator: A donation calculator is a common tax software feature that helps you calculate the deduction value of items you've donated. TaxSlayer's lack of a donation calculator may make ...
Janet Berry-Johnson, CPA, is a freelance writer with a background in accounting and income tax planning and preparation for individuals and small businesses. Her work has appeared in Business ...
TaxSlayer is good for those who want an easy to use, premium experience for a lower cost. However, in exchange for this, you’ll give up some bells and whistles the higher-priced services offer ...