We all speak with an accent if we use our voice to talk (don’t use the word ‘accent’ to describe speaking with sign language ... are just different dialects. Standard English is the name ...
But limiting oneself to standard U.S. English restricts diversity in the written dialogue itself. Some writers may want to use dialect or language to convey character authenticity on the page.
Mexican-Americans are the main community that speaks with this unique dialect. It isn’t Spanglish. The language is fully ... “Barely” in standard U.S. English expresses almost failing ...
Standard Japanese has long been the ... local language to be revived will likely be either the Ainu language (in Hokkaido) or the dialect here.” ...
We decided to do this project is because of the growing application of AI and machine ... We wanted to ensure that low-resourced dialects of low-resourced languages are also represented in technology.