The human ear detects sound. Sound waves enter the ear canal and cause the eardrum to vibrate. Three small bones transmit these vibrations to the cochlea. These bones transmit most efficiently ...
In the future, this method could also be used in technical applications with electromagnetic waves. Water, light and sound waves usually propagate in the same way forward as in a backward direction.
Researchers have pioneered the use of parallel computing on graphics cards to simulate acoustic turbulence. This type of ...
"The color names for different types of sounds are based on an analogy between the frequency makeup of sound waves and light waves," Ashish Shah, an audiologist at The Hearing Care Partnership ...
Here we use photonics, or light energy, to produce the sound wave. This approach has multiple advantages, chief of which is ...
We have now observed for this small sound wave-length that, when the sound intensity is slowly increased, the number of these maxima diminishes. Further, the emphasis appears to shift towards the ...
Refraction close refractionProcess by which a wave changes speed and sometimes direction upon entering a denser or less dense medium, eg a light ray changes direction when refracted by a lens.