The defining feature of an amino acid is its side chain (at top, blue circle; below, all colored circles). When connected together by a series of peptide bonds, amino acids form a polypeptide ...
RELEASE THE RECEPTORS: According to Ehrlich’s side-chain theory —depicted here in a diagram used to illustrate his lecture to the Royal Society of London in 1900—immune cells were dotted with a vast ...
Proteins are built from a set of only twenty amino acids, each of which has a unique side chain. The side chains of amino acids have different chemistries. The largest group of amino acids have ...
Novel protein cage systems can control and visualize orientational changes in aromatic side chains upon ligand binding, as ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) A novel protein cage system enables control and visualization of aromatic side chain orientation changes upon ligand binding, enhancing fluorescence properties ...