So far, so good! In the 24-plus years of living in Fairhope in Lower Alabama, we finally got a real snow this week - about 6-8 inches of the frosty white stuff. Beautiful, fluffy white powder.
Parts of north and north-central Alabama started the day on Wednesday with some snow on the ground. A winter weather advisory has been dropped for all of north Alabama and the northern parts of ...
Impact Weather: Tracking snow in the Alabama weather forecast followed by ... Your Parents’ Home That Are Worth Thousands Now ‘In real life, a lot of that pie is gone’: Former NBA star ...
The higher elevations of north Alabama may see a little snow tonight, according to forecasters. It won’t be enough to cause major travel issues, and no winter weather advisories are in effect ...
The Farmer's Almanac says spring will be wet and stormy. The NOAA says it will be warm. See what the long-range spring ...
Beginning Tuesday night, there could be as much as an inch of snow in the Tennessee Valley and Northwest Alabama, with a dusting east of Interstate 65, forecasts from the Huntsville National ...
Light snow fell in north Alabama on Wednesday, February 19, as part of the state was under a cold weather advisory. Footage from Ethan Williams shows flurries falling in Cullman on Wednesday morning.
ended up walking approximately six miles through snow in order to perform a life ... has more: He was at one hospital in Birmingham, Alabama and was needed at a different hospital ...
Videos and pictures from southern states like Alabama, Florida and Texas show the four-legged friends frolicking around and rolling in the snow. Tio, a 2-year-old plott hound-pitbull mix in Milton ...