The Salina City Commission selected firm Government Professional Solution, or GPS, to lead the search for the city's next city manager.
The Salina City Commission will convene in a special session Wednesday to interview and select a firm to help it in its city ...
The Bentonville City Council is still set to consider a proposal to double the city's water rates to cover increased ...
The Georgetown County Council will meet to discuss recommendations for electric rate structures. Raftelis Consulting will ...
ASHEVILLE - The city has announced a new Human Resources director. It executed a $33,200 contract with recruitment firm Raftelis for the search, which posted the position in May. Emily Provance ...
The city has about 25,000 water customers. Raftelis Financial Consultants Inc. -- a Charlotte, N.C.-based consulting firm -- had recommended to the council Feb. 10 the city increase its water rates by ...