I am using a gain of 50. The pH sensor provides a +/-0.059 volt change for every unit of pH, with a pH of 7.0 being 0 volts. I have now had boards made and the circuit does not work. I have cleaned ...
pH measurement is crucial in ensuring the safety of canned foods. According to FDA regulations (21 CFR 114.80), the pH must ...
I have designed a PH sensor circuit using the LMP91200 and when airpumps or other sensors such as an EC sensor is active in the water the PH readings go way out to lunch. Is using an Digital isolator ...
A study conducted at the University of Bonn has identified an essential control circuit in flies that regulates food ...
In recent years, electronics engineers have developed a wide range of wearable and implantable devices that can detect and ...
Wireless Power Transfer,Power Transfer,Receiver Coil,Transmitter Coil,Coupling Coefficient,Power Transfer Efficiency,Wireless Power,Magnetic Field,Maximum Efficiency ...
The EBCare mask looks similar to a KF94 mask and employs a self-cooling strategy, an automated microfluidic system, an ...
The new sensor deployed by Sarasota's Mote Marine Laboratory monitors pH and dissolved oxygen to evaluate coral-damaging ocean acidification ...
A small electronic circuit transmits sensor data to a mobile app via Bluetooth. The mask could analyze breath continuously for 14 h, detecting pH, alcohol, ammonium, and nitrite levels ...
Imagine wearing a smart sensor on your skin that can detect the slightest touch, pressure, or temperature. This futuristic ...
degree from Ningbo University, Ningbo, China, in 1996. He is currently an Engineer with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ningbo University. His main research interests ...
The EBCare mask looks similar to a KF94 mask and employs a self-cooling strategy, an automated microfluidic system, an electrochemical sensor array, and a wireless reading circuit, Wei Gao ...