An Australian-led team of international scientists have shown how per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) can be safely ...
A new study in Atherosclerosis shows that soil and water pollution, including microplastics and toxic chemicals, ...
The battle for artificial intelligence supremacy hinges on microchips, but the semiconductor sector that produces them has a ...
The chips sector is an important future market for Oxyle, and the company is in early-stage discussions with several firms, ...
A global team of scientists has identified a safe way to completely destroy PFAS, the notorious "forever chemicals," by ...
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, more commonly known as PFAS, pose a danger to the health of our community. They have ...
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often referred to as ‘forever chemicals’, have become a significant environmental ...
An internationally renowned leader in children’s environmental health says people are right worry about PFAS “forever chemicals." ...
From the bloodstreams of office workers in the world’s most developed countries to the organs of Amazonian hunter-gatherers, ...
Trial lawyers are getting familiar with the science and can have an impact. The litigations are challenging but the goals are ...
Green Seal® has announced a prohibition on any per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Green Seal-certified paints and coatings, floor care products, adhesives, and degreasers.
Ottawa says it's moving ahead with a plan to label so-called forever chemicals as toxic and expects to begin consultations in two years on further regulating their us.