NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is about to set another historic ... with APL overseeing the spacecraft’s design and operation. NASA confirmed Parker’s readiness for this daring maneuver after ...
The Parker Solar Probe’s insights will have wide-reaching ... the northern lights and space weather events. ・Informing the design of protective measures for future missions and technology ...
Scientists no longer need to rely on theoretical models to study the solar core. Neutrinos, emitting from nuclear fusions, ...
Artist's illustration of the Parker Solar Probe at the sun. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben UPDATE 2: The Parker Solar Probe launched as planned at 3:31 a.m. ET on Sunday morning ...
In Parker’s first close approach to the Sun, it observed that the solar wind near the Sun was indeed abundant with Alfvén waves. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe completes its first trip around the sun ...
NASA will soon launch its Parker Solar Probe on a mission that will take it closer to the sun than any spacecraft in history. The probe will fly straight into the sun's outer atmosphere ...
Artist’s concept of the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft approaching the sun. Launched in 2018, the probe is increasing our ability to forecast major space-weather events that impact life on Earth.
and one of the most exciting was the launch of the Parker Solar Probe which will study the Sun in more detail than has ever been possible before. The probe has already broken several records and ...
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A little over a year ago, and about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) from where you’re currently reading this, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe quietly made history by safely flying through ...
NASA's Parker Solar Probe mission has traveled closer to the Sun than any human-made object before it. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted ...