For the longest time, there's been a golden rule in technology, often shorthanded as Moore's Law: Every year ... the power density of a given high-speed processor would approach that of a nuclear ...
Moore’s Law states the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double about every two years. This law, coined by Intel and Fairchild founder [Gordon Moore] has been a truism since it ...
And while the microchip world may be divided on whether or not Moore’s Law is actually dead ... have stood as a guiding principle of processor design for the last 60 years.
There are many signs that indicate we are approaching the end of the Moore's law as we know it. As an example, the chart below illustrates the performance growth of CPU computing over time ...
A typical Intel Core processor has billions of transistors ... stacked on top of each other. Using Moore's law, that would jump to six Saturn V rockets in two years and twelve in another two ...