Solicitor Sarah Tricarico, whose clients include druglord Tony Mokbel, was arrested on Thursday as part of an investigation ...
The tobacco turf war in Melbourne has seen several of ... allegedly dealt a $30-million plus blow to the suspected criminal gang. Underworld sources believe Abdulrahim had sided with the Haddara ...
A woman who died trapped in a burning home became the first civilian fatality in the gangland war over control of Melbourne’s illicit tobacco trade when arsonists targeted the wrong house.
spoke to police about 9pm last night Police have interviewed five men in relation to an alleged gang rape which happened in a Melbourne lane on Sunday morning. The men were interviewed by police ...
African gang crime is "out of control" in parts of Victoria and tougher sentencing laws are needed, Federal Minister Greg Hunt says, but police insist they are on top of Melbourne's youth crime ...
Nobody torches tobacco shops in Melbourne’s central business district. That’s the rule. While there have been more than 130 firebombings linked to the tobacco war across the state, the CBD has ...
The Centre for Multicultural Youth and the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria say trouble's been brewing well ahead of gang violence in Melbourne's C-B-D over the weekend. Image: Victoria Police ...
In February, a “completely innocent” 27-year-old woman in Melbourne became the first fatality ... Local stores struggling amid gang wars Mr Foukkare also said legal retailers are also losing ...