A routine flight turned into an extraordinary adventure for an eight-year-old cat named Mittens. Forgotten in the cargo hold ...
A Maine coon cat named Mittens became an accidental jetsetter this month when her cage was overlooked in a plane cargo hold ...
A Maine coon cat named Mittens clocked up some serious air miles this month after being left on an Air New Zealand flight and ...
After being accidentally missed by baggage handlers and left on a plane, a cat mistakenly made three trips between New ...
A family‘s pet cat was mistakenly left on a flight, leading to a cross-country journey from Melbourne to New Zealand and back ...
There's a reason cats are said to have nine lives, and Mittens the Maine Coon probably agrees. After joining her family on a ...
Mittens was flown three times between New Zealand and Australia after being forgotten in a plane's cargo hold.
The Maine coon cat was travelling to Australia's Melbourne on a one-way ticket as the owner family moved base to the country ...
A New Zealand family's cat, Mittens, endured an unexpected 24-hour journey in a plane's cargo hold after being mistakenly ...
A lost cat was flown back and forth between New Zealand and Australia several times in a 24-hour period after her cage was overlooked in the cargo hold. | TAG24 ...
A Maine coon cat named Mittens accidentally traveled back and forth between New Zealand and Australia due to a baggage oversight. Her owner, Margo Neas, anxiously awaited her return. After an ...