The film follows Moana as she answers a call from her ancestors, embarking on a new adventure into uncharted waters, testing her friendship with Maui. The film is aimed towards families ...
For The Rock, it became a mission to convince his daughter that he’s actually the voice behind Maui in Moana. He’s tried again and again, singing You’re Welcome to her with all the ...
After a tragic loss, Moana sets out for the horizon to find a way to save her family and island from a terrible darkness. On her journey, she befriends demi-god Maui (Dwayne Johnson) and they push ...
GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Disney Speedstorm is finally starting to get characters from Moana, with the addition of the demigod Maui as a playable racer. The trailer shows ...
The only way to heal the island is to persuade Maui to return Te Fiti's heart, so Moana sets off on an epic journey across the Pacific. The film is based on stories from Polynesian mythology.
MONDAY UPDATE with Moana 2 actuals: Now that Sunday’s actuals are in, Disney’s Moana 2 has surfed even higher across its launch frame domestically, swelling the global start to $389M.
Auli’i Cravalho is once again stellar as Moana. She is impossible to not love with her adventurous spirit and charismatic personality. I think Maui might be The Rock’s best character.