Directed by Rob Marshall, The Little Mermaid is Disney’s live-action remake of the 1989 animated classic of the same title. Controversy has surrounded the movie since its announcement in 2017 ...
Disney's return trip under the sea takes fans into some uncharted waters. The live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid" starring Halle Bailey is a faithful adaptation of the animated classic.
Disney is king when it comes to live-action remakes, but Mufasa proves that live-action films need one thing to really stand ...
And, yet, that is exactly what happens in Leigh Scott’s The Little Mermaid. Coming just a year after Disney’s live-action remake, and in the throes of an era of children’s stories being ...
For about a decade, Disney has steadily released one live-action remake movie every year, such as “Cinderella” in 2015 and ...
These are the 10 most obnoxious Disney live-action remakes, ranked based on how watchable they are. In the grand scheme of things, the 2023 remake of 1989's The Little Mermaid isn't all that bad.
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The Little Mermaid (2024 horror remake) does something unique with a chilling take on Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairytale. The film dives into the darker aspects of ancient myths ...