The Little League World Series begins on Wednesday, Aug. 14, with a quartet of games kickstarting a wild 12-day stretch of ...
Lake Mary, Florida, rallied Sunday to beat Taipei 2-1 in eight innings and claim the Little League World Series championship. Chinese Taipei makes an errant throw on a bunt, leading to the winning ...
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) - The Little League Softball Worlds series is back in Greenville amid a big anniversary, and final preparations are underway for the community, athletes, and visitors to enjoy.
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — Chad Hanson is the manager of the Midwest champions from Fargo, North Dakota, the first team from that state to make the Little League World Series. He had a firsthand view ...
He was not expecting a no-hitter in the intense heat to send the Henderson team to the Little League World Series. Wyatt Erickson shut down the bats of Dixie (Utah) in a 2-0 victory in the ...