Lent, a solemn season in the Christian liturgical calendar, is often perceived as a time for individual repentance and prayer ...
Pope Francis, who has been hospitalized for bilateral pneumonia since Feb. 14. (Domenico Stinellis/The Associated Press) ...
Tomorrow we will celebrate the fifth Sunday of Lent. Lent was established by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD with emphasis on ...
Six saints and blesseds have offered these profound reflections on how to live this time of Lent authentically through ...
Perhaps because of our Triune God, a lot of things both religious and secular seem to be explained or expressed in threes.
The Center for Faith, Action and Ministry (CFAM) provides a variety of events and retreats for students to observe Lent.
Overview: An ancient spiritual practice, fasting can range from rejecting food and water to giving up a favorite TV show during the 40 days of Lent. Along with prayer and reading of Scripture, the ...
In addition, by fasting from the temptation to hurry and recklessly rush about, we embrace the Lenten call to grow by living ...
After St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish’s final Sunday Mass in June 2020, this meaningful service was unavailable locally until ...