Some great hammerhead sharks stay near Andros Island, revealing new insights into behavior and conservation of this ...
He told MySA the shark was over 14 feet long, calling it likely the largest hammerhead successfully caught and released from the shores. Haltermann said he volunteers for the National Oceanic and ...
New research shows that some great hammerhead sharks are homebodies. Scientists studying great hammerheads around Andros in ...
As with many shark species, people often assume ... but none have been fatal. Even though hammerhead sharks are a large species, they are generally not a threat to divers. As of 2025, there ...
The dominant females are almost always found closest to the seamount, and the confident sexually mature males tend to pick these ones first as their large size means they can produce more offspring.
once considered the hammerhead the third most dangerous species after the great white and the tiger shark. (There are nine species of hammerheads, but the Navy was considering only the largest ...
In 2000 proposals relating to the three largest hammerhead shark species and the oceanic whitetip shark, both of which are valued for their fins, and the porbeagle shark, which is valued for both fins ...
Scientists tracking endangered great hammerhead sharks show ... to provide a total of 78 shark encounters between 2018 and 2024, mainly large juveniles and adults. Half of the sightings occurred ...