The picturesque island of La Palma, part of Spain's Canary Islands, is the backdrop for the dramatic and tension-filled series La Palma. Directed by Kasper Barfoed and co-written by Lars Gudmestad ...
So, you've just binge-watched Netflix's La Palma and you've now developed a new fear about a massive tsunami hitting the Canary Islands? Yeah, you're probably not the only one. Netflix’s new ...
The fictional series is set on the Canary Island of La Palma with the island famous for the Cumbre Vieja volcano that last erupted in 2021. The series focuses on an imminent volcanic eruption ...
La Palma, known as "la isla bonita" or beautiful island, captivates visitors with its natural beauty and cultural richness. One of the Canary Islands, this island offers a unique blend of volcanic ...