The Biden administration’s last 120-day sanctions waiver that permits the export to Iraq of Iranian gas and electricity will ...
Talks to speed a resumption in oil exports from Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region have been delayed until Thursday ...
Iran and Turkey’s regional rivalry deepens as Ankara moves to make peace with the Kurds and expands its influence in Syria ...
With momentum on its side, Turkey is making a big diplomatic push in Iraq. That puts it on a potential collision course with ...
Former US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, David Schenker, on Sunday, stated that the new US ...
When Iraq invaded Iran in 1980, few expected the war to last nearly a decade. With trench warfare, chemical attacks, and ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's administration is piling pressure on Iraq to allow Kurdish oil exports to restart or face ...
Turkey and Iran have been regional rivals for decades, with Syria as a key battleground. The ousting of Syrian President ...
Iran cut around half of the electricity it provides to Iraq’s eastern province of Diyala on Saturday for unknown reasons, ...
With Iran already wounded economically and diplomatically, hard-liners forced out two top officials and blocked talks with ...
Iraq is the latest country in which many leaders are attempting to move out of Iran’s orbit. Last year, the Axis rapidly slid from the seeming height of its power into terminal decline.
Iraqi comedian and journalist Ahmed Albasheer is set to host U.S. Representative Joe Wilson on his popular political satire ...