But the history of computing started centuries earlier ... it’s unlikely that humans would have invented the electronic computer when they did. Read on to discover more about these great ...
(The Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA) The home of the largest collection of computer artifacts in the world, which includes thousands of hardware components, images, films and videos.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Traf-O-Data in 1971 to sell their computer traffic-analysis systems. 1972: Gary Kildall writes PL/M, the first high-level programming language for the Intel ...
Doug Engelbart demonstrates in 1968 a word processor, an early hypertext system and a collaborative application: three now common computer applications. Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce found Intel ...
In this story we'll look at overall trends in the history of PC viruses; also see the timeline below and to the left for more information about specific virus events. uses external resources ...
It stems from the Intel 8086 (x86) architecture in the IBM PC in 1981. Following is a brief history of PC CPUs, starting with the most current. Starting in 1994, AMD introduced its first Pentium ...