Yes, there is one direct DEMU and Mail Express train running between Khatipura and Gangapur City. These include DEMU and Mail Express trains. What is the distance between Khatipura and Gangapur City?
How many trains are there from Janghai to Gangapur City? There are 3 direct trains that run between Janghai and Gangapur City. The train schedules consist of 2 weekly and 1 biweekly trains. These ...
So for this, the operation of trains at those railway stations is affected ... Train number Ajmer-Gangapur City Special cancelled for 1 February. Train number 79602 Gangapur City-Ajmer Special ...
Enroute this train will halt at Godhra, Dahod, Ratlam, Dakaniya Talav, Gangapur City, Mathura, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Ghaziabad, Meerut City, Muzaffarnagar, Tapri and Roorkee station in both direction.
For the convenience of passengers and with a view to meet the travel demand during the Holi festival, Western Railway will ...