When using frost cloth, it’s the warmth from the ground that keeps the plants warm, which is why the frost cloth needs to be ...
Should I cut off frost damaged leaves? Do not immediately cut off frost-damaged leaves. Leave the damaged leaves on the plant at first. Give the plant several days in warm weather so you can ...
Down south, they can be harvested throughout the year, though their flavor is far superior when leaves are picked after frost. Some cold-tolerant varieties, such as the bolt-resistant Champion ...
Just as the multitudes of snowbirds arrive in Arizona, expect a visit from Jack Frost soon, too. Even with our abundant ...
Winter is a difficult time for all living beings, but plants have it especially hard. Plants get their energy to live and ...
Frost-damaged plants are easy to spot, their growth becomes limp, blackened and distorted. Evergreen plants often turn brown and the leaves of tender plants take on a translucent appearance.
I recently got back from visiting my family down in Texas for the holidays. I got back home about 7:30pm last Friday night and woke up to a white landscape ...