A pair of Adelie penguins before going for a ‘feed dip’ Adelie penguins can only survive in a sea ice environment Miniature cameras attached to a penguin's head have given Japanese scientists ...
Sediment samples from the Ross Sea coastline are revealing insights into how animals like elephant seals and Adélie penguins adapted to environmental changes long ago Sarah Kuta Daily ...
a special day in which the Adelie penguin supposedly begins its annual northward migration to Antarctica. In celebration, here are five fabulous facts about these utterly adorable critters that ...
A penguin’s cute exterior is equally matched to its friendly disposition. As a species, penguins are rarely aggressive and lean more curious. Around humans, a penguin can be observant ...
Scientists have used ancient DNA to help reconstruct 6,000 years of penguin history at the South Pole. The researchers found that Adélie penguins had taken over the habitat of southern elephant ...
Scientists in Australia say they have recorded a big drop in a population of Adélie penguins off the east coast ... said the decrease was started by "five years of extensive summer sea ice ...