Your financial aid package fully meets your calculated financial need. Students who do not submit a financial aid application before they have been admitted will not be considered for grant and ...
Although international students are not eligible for Federal financial aid there are other options for funding your education. We've provided the resources below as a starting point for exploring ...
We also offer financial advice to help all families manage the cost of college, whether or not they qualify for aid. This section is for current students applying for aid. If you are a prospective ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. I write on education policy, student basic needs, and financial aid. Financial aid offers are finally in the hands of many students ...
Boston College is committed to meeting the full demonstrated institutional need of every student applying for financial aid. We know that applying for financial aid can be a confusing and lengthy ...
Smith College welcomes and supports qualified students from all economic backgrounds. As part of the college’s commitment to access, affordability and equity, Smith has eliminated loans from its ...
DACA, international and undocumented students are not eligible for federal financial aid in the form of Pell Grants or federal student loans. However, there are funds from institutional, state and ...
It is this commitment that moves us to ensure that our financial aid process provides equal access to our education for undocumented and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) students.