"And when he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight" (Acts 1:9). Today, 40 days after Easter, is known as the "Feast of the Ascension ...
The Feast of the Ascension is the fortieth day after Easter Sunday, which commemorates the Ascension of Christ into heaven, according to Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and Acts 1:2.
Ascension Day is a particular moment of celebration within ... "This addition to Westminster Abbey's invaluable series of music for feast-days gets off to a cracking start with Stanford's magnificent ...
It will be open until May 9 (Feast of the Ascension). Thematically aligned with the 40-day journey to Easter, the exhibit encourages personal reflection on grief. Curator Bridget Retzloff spoke on ...
Because she is in the process of consideration for the altars, Blessed Ascensión Nicol y Goñi — whose full name is Blessed Maria Ascensión of the Heart of Jesus Nicol y Goñi — is not well ...