Seeing a Shiny Pokemon is a 1 in 8192 odds or something along those lines, so seeing them in the anime is always a hype ...
A Pokemon fan shares their idea of what a new Eevee evolution could look like, creating a Dragon-type Eeveelution that ...
If you’re desperate for a specific Pokémon in Niantic’s location-based mobile game, you need to check out this new Pokédex ...
During the Catch Mastery event, Pokemon Go failed to increase the Shiny encounter rates for Omanyte and Kabuto, leaving ...
A popular card inspires a heartwarming gift received by a Pokemon TCG fan, and other players are delighted with how adorable ...
Pokémon Go’s Deep Depths event features an interesting lineup of dark-type and water-type Pokémon, as well as a certain fox’s ...
which comes with a unique shiny variant. Keeping the baked goods theme, a Reddit user known as HertzBurst created a croissant variant for Fidough. Called Kalosian Fidough, the fan-made Pokemon had ...
If you’re a fan of the Fire Croc ... and fourth, we get a new shiny. It's not a good shiny, but it is a new shiny Fuecoco will be popping up en masse throughout the event, this is the best ...