. But the most important part of his invention was actually moveable type. Before Gutenberg, the closest Europe had to printing was the woodblock. The woodblock was a piece of wood with all the ...
On February 23, 1954, the world’s first-ever polio vaccine was administered in Pittsburgh, United States. This day is also ...
After all, if you google “great inventors,” you’ll find the usual suspects: Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, the Wright brothers, Johannes Gutenberg, James Watt, Samuel Morse ...
but also an enthusiastic inventor, a daring businessman, a tenacious troublemaker: the life of Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1400-68).
Back in the 1450s, when the Bible became the first major work printed in Europe with moveable metal type, Johannes Gutenberg was a man with a plan. The German inventor decided to make the most of ...