This episode explores some of the changes in forms of transport which have happened within living memory in the UK. There are lots of different types of transport. This is a type of transport ...
Níor thaistil mé ar eitleán. Cén dóigh a dtagann tú ar scoil gach lá? Tagaim ar scoil gach lá ar bhus. Tagaim ar scoil sa charr. Glacaim síob ó mo mhamaí. Siúlaim ar scoil.
Today,we’re dealing with a number of environmental problems that are drastically affecting the quality of our life. We’re faced with climate change, air pollution, and urban congestion. Unfortunately, ...
Every single one of these nerve cells generates electrical voltages that are due to the transport of thousands of ions. Different types of transport in each cell Different types of transport can ...