and eating right, exercising and getting rest will help ease that adjustment. Everyone inevitably makes mistakes as they explore a new cultural environment. Try to find humor in these situations and ...
According to the Karuk Tribe, “Passage of this bill would be an act of cultural and environmental justice.” In New Mexico, ...
“I am convinced that only by setting aside half the planet in reserve, or more, can we save the living part of the environment and ... based on the nature-versus-culture binary—the idea ...
The certificate program in cultural and environmental heritage management in the Department of History at Western Michigan University will prepare students to identify and manage cultural and ...
Legislation passed last year allows federally recognized tribes to practice cultural burning freely once they reach an agreement with the California Natural Resources Agency and local air quality ...
Combine the study of the environment with methodologies from the arts to explore the role played by culture in shaping attitudes towards and responses to environmental change across a wide range of ...
Leaders in Madi Okollo district have embarked on various activities, including enhancing the tourism sector and organizing ...