Jace, from Connecticut, is one of four children all born with severe childhood blindness who gained 'life-changing improvements' to their vision after an experimental trial of gene therapy.
Aphantasia is a little-understood phenomenon that affects about 4 percent of the population. There are several theories ...
Some forms of congenital blindness originate from abnormalities in basic signaling mechanisms in photoreceptor neurons of the retina. Photoreceptors respond to light by modulating the permeability of ...
“As a result, some functions that are impaired in schizophrenia may actually be enhanced in people with congenital or early cortical blindness.” The research is compelling, but there’s still ...
Glaucoma, a chronic eye disease, gradually damages the optic nerve, without showing any symptoms, but slowly leading to ...
A departure from the old theory that the rare disability of "word-blindness" is attributable to congenital weaknesses in controlling the centers of the brain, and the development of the belief ...
Mezzpo-soprano opera singer Laurie Rubin, who wrote the book “Do You Dream in Color?" shares her inspiring story ahead of a ...
Leber congenital amaurosis (not to be confused ... that causes vision impairment from infancy and leads to early-life blindness and photoreceptor death. One form of this disorder, LCA2, is caused ...
Congenital toxoplasmosis remains an important cause of blindness, although avoiding exposure to cats and uncooked meat can prevent it. Congenital syphilis has declined in incidence due to ...