Researchers recently discovered that dozens of species in the flamboyant family are biofluorescent, emitting a gleaming light ...
The striking rose-breasted grosbeak is a common bird of wooded habitats ... First-fall male: has buffy wash with fine streaks across breast, usually with some pink feathers visible on sides ...
IT is very gratifying to find how earnestly the best papers are now taking up the cause of the various beautiful birds hitherto so cruelly and callously, slaughtered for the sake of their plumage.
IT is often considered that the white plumage of gulls ... and survives only because these birds are relatively safe from attack and able to protect themselves. Thus Cott 1 remarks that "in ...
Birds-of-paradise are known for their bright colours and courtship displays. Now, it turns out that many species also have body parts that fluoresce ...
This head-turning 1977 Pontiac Firebird Esprit Sky Bird, spotted on offer in the car ... for Pontiac Firebirds– you’ll find hundreds of fine examples to choose from.
New at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg is “Audubon’s Birds of America,” a collection ... feeding and breeding, plumage colors and variations and more. In the decades before even ...