It can be tough to tell them apart! When one sticks out, though, it's really something! Recently, one cattery posted their ...
Ivan Kuznetsov and his Bengal mix cat Thoth enjoy trying sports together. For the pair's most recent adventure, they tried ...
Maverick the surfing cat is an adventurous Bengal who loves the water! Watch him on the sea and read how and why he loves ...
Bengals were officially recognized as a new breed by TICA in 1986 and are the only domestic cats that can have rosettes like ...
Bengal cats are medium to large breed cats ... due to their short and sleek coats. Dr. MacMillan says, "Bengals shed less often than some other breeds and don’t tend to groom themselves as ...
If their coat gets wet, their fur feels heavy and ... However, Maverick is a Bengal and that explains a lot. Bengal cats have a reputation for being both inquisitive and adventurous.