In the ancient town of Ouidah, located in southern Benin, the annual Voodoo Festival unfolds with a vibrant mix of dance, ...
Obas Ozolua and Esigie both encouraged trade with Europe. Benin City is at least four miles wide. The city has wide, straight roads, lined by houses. The houses are large and handsome with walls ...
They carved masks for ceremonies and they moulded sculptures of gods out of mud. In Benin City, craft workers were organised into groups known as guilds. There were guilds for wood carvers ...
Benin's Ouidah has celebrated its annual Voodoo Festival which has made the town a mecca for Voodoo worshippers as well as a ...
Welcome to the ancient town of Ouidah, in southern Benin, a mecca of gods and spirits where the celebration of the annual Voodoo festival brings a mix of tourism and religion in a clash of ...