The UAB Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology (CDIB), in conjunction with the Department of Medical Education and with sponsorship from the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society ...
Within multicellular organisms, tissues are organized communities of cells that work together to carry out a specific function. The exact role of a tissue in an organism depends on what types of ...
“The important discoveries about anatomy, I think, are now coming from studies of tissues and cells.” Over the last decade, there have been a handful of discoveries that have helped overturn previous ...
Anatomy is the study of structure from cell to tissue to whole organism. Applied anatomy examines relationships between structure and function. This practical, hands-on course will give you a clear, ...
The Virtual Anatomy Lab is committed to providing UAB students with a diverse set of anatomy learning resources. With anatomy being a core pillar in undergraduate and professional school education, ...
and the shape or “normal anatomy” of the cell, which is called the cell’s morphology. Other aspects of disease stand out to the observer only when the suspect cells are seen in the context ...
Anatomy is the field of biology that studies ... Three genetically defined types of neuronal cell in a small midbrain area called the median raphe nucleus are shown to control decisions about ...
The Center for Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience is based in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, and also includes members from across departments and colleges at Drexel University (and other ...