Before you get too worked up about pesticides in your produce, consider that the US Department of Agriculture Pesticide ... publishes a list of produce most likely to contain pesticides.
In 2016 the United States used 322 million pounds of pesticides that are banned in the E.U., accounting for more than one-quarter of all agricultural pesticide use in this country, according to the ...
The USDA said current pesticide regulations are adequate to protect monarch butterflies, commenting on a proposal to list the king of butterflies as a threatened species. In a letter to […] ...
WASHINGTON— A new study published today by the academic journal Frontiers in Environmental Science finds that pesticides widely used in American agriculture pose a grave threat to organisms that are ...
KARACHI: The recent 62nd of Agricultural Pesticides Technical Advisory Committee (APTAC) meeting proposed a ban on 12 active ingredients of pesticides as a solution to the pesticide’s residue ...
The research team led by Carsten Brühl shows for the first time that synthetic chemical pesticides from conventional agriculture do not remain on the cultivated areas, but spread from the ...