The first microprocessor. Designed by Marcian E. "Ted" Hoff at Intel in 1971, the 4004 was a 4-bit, general-purpose CPU initially developed for the Japanese Busicom calculator. Running at a clock ...
The emu8080on4004 project (Google Translate) offers a way to run 8080 code on a 4004 CPU. Finally! The 4004 development board is a homebrew affair, and the emulator works well enough that an 8080 ...
[Frank Buss] came up with a neat solution to developing for the venerable 4004 CPU – build a ROM emulator using a modern microcontroller. The build started off with a ZIF socket for the 4004 CPU ...
Intel is celebrating 50 years since the launch of the Intel 4004, the world’s first commercially available microprocessor that would be the basis for future chips that are used in computers and ...
The Intel 8080 didn’t revolutionise microprocessors – it created the microprocessor market. “The 4004 and 8008 suggested it, ...
In late 1970 Intel introduces a 1K RAM chip and the 4004, a 4-bit microprocessor. Two years later comes the 8008, an 8-bit microprocessor.
The Intel 4004 microprocessor was launched in 1971; the first mobile phone call was made on a Motorola device in 1973; the Apple II hit the market in 1977; and the Sony Walkman followed in 1979. These ...