Montenegro Foundation Open Society Institute–Representative Office Montenegro, Vuka Karadzica 2, II floor, Podgorica Pakistan Islamabad Foundation Open Society Institute–Pakistan, N Wing ...
Despite years of internal turmoil and changes, Open Society Foundations wants those in the human rights sector to know their movements will still receive support from the organization, its ...
Jan. 4 (UPI) --Controversial Open Society Foundations founder George Soros and 18 others are recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, including politicians, scientists, entertainers ...
Foundations Open Society Under Threat After more than three decades of promoting liberal democracy, Open Society Foundations sees itself on the defensive. Can a strategic restructuring and new ...
I mean, we see this in Europe. It's really an international operation. This is why the Open Society Foundation and George Soros and his billions of dollars are the central node in this.
George Soros received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his service to philanthropy, during a ceremony ...